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WTO: a New Balance in North/South Issues

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Olivier Louis

Corps analyses

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Developing countries do not want to destroy the multilateral trading system, but to find what they think is their right place in it. In the present round of negotiations, they have built a united front, much stronger than expected. They demand from the developed countries effective improvements on agricultural trade (by slashing internal subsidies, banning subsidies on exports and lowering imports duties), and are not ready to open their own markets as much as asked by the developed countries. It is therefore much more difficult to find a comprehensive agreement than it was during the previous rounds – the only players were developed countries. WTO has not become a battlefield between the North and the South, and the possible failure of the round should not be assigned to the North/South divide. What is missing is the political will of both developed and developing countries to move forward.

Olivier Louis, Researcher at Ifri, held the function of Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs in French embassies in numerous foreign countries, as well as in the permanent representation of France to the European Union

This content is published in French - OMC : un nouvel équilibre Nord-Sud ?



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