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Will the United Nations Exist in 2034?

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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The future of the United Nations (UN) depends first and foremost on the greatpowers: which will emerge? What choices will they make? In every case-scenario,however, the United States maintains a central role: whether it preserves itssupremacy and pursues its current policy of marginalizing the UN and internationallaw, whether it adapts to the emergence of other centers of power, orwhether it comes to realize that its interest lies in reinforcing the UN.Lakhdar Brahimi, Former Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Former Special Representative of the General Secretary of UNO in Haiti, in South Africa and in Afghanistan, is Special Advisor to the General Secretary of United Nations since 2004. He has been Head of the Group of Studies under Peace Operations (Rapport Brahimi, 2000).


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