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Where Are Iraq's Biological and Chemical Weapons?

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses

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Critics of the Iraq war have already concluded that the absence of WMD finds in Iraq and the statements of some Iraqi scientists prove that the weapons did not exist and that, therefore, there was a massive failure of intelligence. Absence of proof is not, however, proof of absence. The statements of the Iraqi scientists should not yet be taken at face value. They mirror the old ‘party line’ of Saddam’s regime parroted to weapons inspectors from the start of inspections in 1991, a party line which was proved false many times. And security conditions in Iraq are not conducive to scientists speaking freely. Furthermore, Iraq’s behaviour on CBW issues prior to the war was not consistent with having nothing to hide. Absent an explanation of that behaviour, we cannot conclude that there were no CBW programmes. Indeed, they could still be buried in the desert. Who would know where?

Tim Trevan is the former Special Advisor to the Executive Chairman and Spokesman of UNSCOM (1992-1995).


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