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The Western Strategies and Globalization

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Do we still need security strategies for the globalized 21st Century ? Are national strategies still compatible with this new world ? Are the Westerners able to define a global, effective and common strategy, in order to consolidate their common interest ? It is a real challenge, and the different and recent trials to address this sensitive question are questionable or unsuccessful. The Atlantic Alliance failed to revise the previous NATO strategic concept adopted in 1999, before 9/11, and finally chose to prepare only a single Comprehensive Political Guidance, that the next Riga summit will endorse late November. Instead of defining national or multinational strategies, should we start to think differently, to imagine a new approach of a ”sustainable security strategy” ?
Jean Dufourcq, rear-admiral (2d section), is in charge of the academic research at the Collège de la Défense of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Rome.


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