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Turkish Agreement: The Relentless Pursuit Is On

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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The goal of the negotiations that will begin in 2005 is the accession of Turkey to the European Union. French President Jacques Chirac has taken a big democratic risk: he has neither the support of the French population, nor of his own party. In the meantime, the French Constitution has been modified. In the future, a referendum will be obligatory prior to any further enlargement of the EU: it could lead to a clash after years of discussions. The European Union has taken a big risk for its credibility in considering Turkey a country fulfilling the Copenhagen's criteria. The social heterogeneity of the Union would be unmanageable if Turkey which has a GDP representing only 25% of the GDP of the 25 was to join EU. Sylvie Goulard is Research Fellow at the Centre d’études et de recherches internationales (CERI-CNRS). She teaches at the College of Europe in Bruges and in a master of the joined Institut d’études politiques of Paris and the London School of Economics.


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