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The Turkey Issue

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses

The question of the entry of Turkey in the Community and later in the European Union has been at issue since the treaty of association of 1963. It has become a hot topic since the Helsinki European Council of December 1999 which launched the “pre-membership” phase, on the basis of the criteria of Copenhagen. After enlargement to the East turned the European Union on May 1st 2004 into a highly heterogeneous association of countries, the idea of Turkish membership gave rise to sporadic fears throughout Europe, often nourished by dark and simplistic notions. The Turkish issue does beg the question of the identity of a Europe which has never been able or never wanted to define itself in more precise geographical, cultural of spiritual terms. This must however not deter from the fact that the Union must respect its oft-repeated engagements towards Ankara, taking into account the fact that Turkey will always remain no matter what the unavoidable point of contact between Europe, Central Asia, Russia, and the Middle East.

Thierry de Montbrial is the Director of Ifri.

Read the first pages of the article in French: La question turque



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