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Seven Years of an Asian Policy under Chirac: What Benefits for France?

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses


Since 1993, and reinforced since Jacques Chirac’s election as president of the Republic in 1995, Asia has moved officially to the centre of French foreign policy concerns. This consists of bringing about democratic models of development, instigating the bases of a genuine dialogue, and affirming the existence of a multipolar world by giving a diplomatic and political role to Europe, with France at its heart. But in spite of this voluntarism and the measures that have been initiated (ASEM, resurgence of official visits, global partnerships...), the 'French way' still seems to consider Asia as a secondary issue. Except for traditionnal sectors such as arms sales ansd nuclear power, which are ever important, and also for the recent French role in the crisis management and the increase in direct investment, the result of France's policy remain ambiguous. The first step has been taken; for a dialogue exists. But, hindered by the difficult issue of human rights, there are still many grey areas.

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