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The Security of South Caucasus

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses


What are the consequences of the Beslan tragedy in the South Caucasus which may be directly attributable to Russia’s strategic incoherence? In this region, peace and security are weakened by several ethnic wars which are frozen but by no means dispelled, by Chechen, Iraqi and Afghan conflicts with an uncertain conclusion and by the absence of a common set of security guidelines. Regional economic ambitions harbored by a predatory Russia and programs from international institutions which expect too much, serve to increase the convulsions of those States which remain jealous of their independence and desirous to retain a pragmatic approach in the running of their foreign policy. More quarrels are appearing in the South Caucasus, as the situation continues to evolve along these lines. Splits are ethnic, transversal and are occurring outside of the constraints afforded by the ongoing elaboration of Caucasian institutional structures.

Gaïdz Minassian, Ph.D. in Political Science , is Researcher at the Groupe d'analyse politique, relations internationales, défense at Paris X-Nanterre University.


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