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Saudi Arabia Between Violence and Reform

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses


The two questions of reform and political violence have become the center of all discussions about the future of the Saudi Arabia’s kingdom. Our approach here is to examine the recent evolutions that have taken place within the Saudi political-intellectual sphere, in order to get a better understanding of the nature and potential of the new forces involved: on the one hand, the jihadi salafi movement, from its ideologues to its activists, who have claimed responsibility for most of the terrorist acts committed in the kingdom since May 2003; on the other hand, the “islamo-liberal” reformist trend, who has been behind most of the political petitions presented to the royal family since January 2003. The regime has up to now been reasonably successful in its fight against the jihadis, while it has taken a number of preliminary steps towards political, social and religious change. But will it prove determined enough not to rest on the laurels earned by its security successes and to continue on the path of reform?

Stéphane Lacroix, is preparing a Ph.D. at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris.


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