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Salafism in Europe: An Ever-Changing Polymorphic Scene of a Radicalization

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses

Read full text (French) (198k-pdf) Abstract

Since the beginning of the 1980s in Europe, the emergence of a new form of Islamic religiosity among mainly young people of immigrant parents has been observed. This new relation with Islam is largely the result of 're-islamization' movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood movement. However the 1990s have seen the emergence of a new actor in this 're-islamization' dynamics in Europe: Salafism. It is possible to distinguish three streams resulting from Salafism in Europe. The first tendency is the revolutionary one. It places 'Jihad' at the heart of religious beliefs. The second is predicative Salafism, which bases its action on preaching and religious courses. The last one is political Salafism which organizes its activities around a political logic. Samir Amghar, graduate of political science at the Université Paris-I, is completing a PhD at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), focused on minority ideologies of the Islam in France and Salafism emergence.


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