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Russia-Germany: the Special Relationship and the European Union Presidency

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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The relations between Berlin and Moscow are close, inherited from Ostpolitik history and recent choices made by the Schroeder government. Despite the current majority's division, the German presidency of the European Union will give the opportunity of a compromise on the policy towards Moscow. The different German schools of thought will have to agree, as they will be faced with free-trade zones projects, post-Soviet space management and, more generally, the analysis of the Russian regime's development. Alexander Rahr, professor emeritus at the Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO), is Program Director Körber-Centre Russia/CIS of the German Council on Foreign Relations. He coordinates the institute's EU-Russia Forum, is a Member Steering of Petersburger Dialogue and Board Member of the Yalta European Strategy (YES).


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