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The Return of Religion in International Politics

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses

Throughout the year 2003, new types of cards have been dealt out in the image of Cesar and God, in Europe, even more so in the United States and, pointedly, in Muslim countries. The three points of crystallisation of conflicts with religion as a powerful underlying element were Afghanistan with the dispersion of the Talibans, the Near East with a road map put back onto the agenda by George W. Bush between Israelis and Palestinians, and Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein and the growing difficulties encountered by the Anglo-American forces of occupation. The spectres of Holy War, Jihad and of the concept of just war could be seen to re-emerge. The Pope and the diplomatic action of the Holy See played a substantial role throughout this period. However, one may wonder how come the images of the Christian God of the Americans differ somewhat from those of the Western Europeans.

Henri Madelin is a priest and the chief editor of the review Etudes.

This content is published in French : Le retour du religieux dans la politique internationale


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