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The Privatization of Security and the Transformation of Conflicts

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses


The increasing impact of new public management practices in the areas of defense and security, through privatization and outsourcing, has reduced the role of the State in managing security matters. In the post-September environment, US private military companies (PMCs) play a major role in shaping and implementing the US defence policy for which they are being instrumental in waging asymmetric warfare abroad and in protecting the homeland. As contributors to the 'US combat team', the PMCs are increasingly involved in support functions in expeditionary operations. New security, military and paramilitary actors have emerged to fill the gaps in international crisis response initiatives. PMCs, contribute to the privatization of peace operations and stimulate faster civil military integration by bluring traditionnal boundaries. As they are involved in post-conflict security sector reform programs, PMCs promote new security/military norms. Transforming civilian actors becomes essential as the new US national military strategy plans for future 'integrated, synchronized, joint' expeditionnary operations within a US-led 'system of systems'.

Sami Makki, is Researcher at the Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches sur la paix et d'études stratégiques (CIRPES) in the Ecole des hautes études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris.


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