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The Power, the Army and the Decision-Making Process in Algeria

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses


Power and political decision-making process issues in Algeria remain particularly thorny subjects. Indeed, the political field in this country suffers from an obvious deficit of differentiation and tends to be confused with the Popular national army (PNA).The democratisation which started in 1989 led the PNA to dissociate of the FLN, the single party through which it reigned without division during thirty years. But it ridged on a powerful islamist contest. Since then the PNA finished up legitimating its return on the front of the political scene. Suspected to use the islamist threat as an alibi in order not to withdraw from the political field, the PNA faces a sharp denigration campaign. The presidential of April gave rise to the head military staff to assert the neutrality of the PNA in the choice of the candidates.


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