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The South Caucasus: A New Strategic Space?

Politique étrangère Articles from Politique Etrangère
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The states of the South Caucasus are trying to find their footing in an increasingly fragmented international landscape.

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Beyond regional issues such as the future of democracy in Georgia and peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, global rivalries between the major powers are intensifying over how the region might best be opened up: should the South Caucasus be open to all, and thus to the West, or is it the preserve of the Eurasian powers?

Gaïdz Minassian is journalist at Le Monde, lecturer at Sciences Po et author of Arménie-Azerbaïdjan, une guerre sans fin ? (Paris: Passés composés, 2024).

Article published in Politique étrangère, Vol. 89, No. 3, Fall 2024.


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Russia/Eurasia Center
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Founded in 2005 within Ifri, the Russia/Eurasia Center conducts research and organizes debates on Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the South Caucasus. Its goal is to understand and anticipate the evolution of this complex and rapidly changing geographical area in order to enrich public discourse in France and Europe and to assist in strategic, political, and economic decision-making.

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Russia and the New BRICS Countries: Potentials and Limitations of a Scientific and Technological Cooperation

Date de publication
23 September 2024

At the fifteenth BRICS summit, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from August 22 to 24, 2023, a resolution was adopted to extend an invitation to six new countries to join the organization: Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). All of these countries except Argentina duly became members of BRICS in 2024, with the expanded group known as BRICS+. In addition to the political and economic advantages, it is assumed that the incorporation of these new countries could potentially facilitate their scientific and technological development.

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31 July 2024

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Date de publication
15 December 2023

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