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The New Strategic Orientations in Japan: Change of Style or New Era?

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses


The September 11 attacks obviously mark a turning point in the defense and security Japanese policy. By adopting in October 2001 the'antiterrorist law, 'Japan 'Auto-Defense forces' can now participate to military operations along with the US. An the soon-expected modernised legislation about Peace-Keeping Operations should reinforce the self-defense rights of these special forces. Prime minister Koizumi’s diplomatic and military voluntarism has been very consistent indeed with the evolutions of the defense posture and military instruments that have been observed in Japan for the past 10 years. On the long run, it could very well be that the whole spectre of Japanese foreign policy be redesigned; a redesign that would touch the security alliance with the US as well as Japan relations with China or the two Coreas.

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