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NEPAD: Patnership or Conflict Management

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Read full text in French (pdf)Abstract

The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), which was founded in 2001, concerns all the African continent. It has several original features: set up to endure, NEPAD promotes the private sector, and the regional context is the base reference for the projects that will be initiated. It emphasises the appropriation by Africans of the development process, and aims at a new partnership founded on shared responsibility and mutual interest. But the question remains as to what extent and under what conditions this ambitious project, which is somewhat aloof from the realities of 'deepest' Africa, will allow the continent to overcome the difficulties that it faces, particularly in terms of economics, demographics and politics –and if it will favour an improved standing of Africa in the world economy, and support its global, integrated and sustained development.

Philippe Hugon is a Professor of Economy at the University Paris X.


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