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Neighborhood Policy: A look at the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses

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The neighborhood policy of Europe foreshadows a deepening of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Here, we are attempting to assess the extent that European neighborhood policy would be able to respond to the necessities of development and the imperative political reforms facing their partners to the South, as well as its capability of providing some corrections in this process; for example, recognizing and acting on the right to development within a foundation of values and shared principles. On the other hand, the adoption of a strategic approach borrowed from the European economic sphere and pre-membership must also be recommended. Lastly, as a result, aid given at the corresponding level of communal skill and heritage, correlated with the integration of the four liberties (including the movement of people and agricultural products) may contribute to positive progression in neighborhood policy.

Azzam Mahjoub is Professor of Economics at the Université El Manar I in Tunis and Expert in the network of EuroMeSCo.


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