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Morocco: The Emergence of Islamism on the Political Scene

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication

Khadija Mohsen-Finan

Corps analyses

In Morocco, the emergence of Islamism in the political scene questions the monopoly of Royalty over the religious sphere. It is through the 1997 elections that the PJD breaks into the system and becomes a mainstream political party. After the Casablanca events of May, 16th 2003, it was put under scrutiny, as if it embraced the whole Islamic movement. Following this ostracism, two events have been used to show its integration in the local political life and its close relationships with the Monarchy: the local elections of September 2003 (in spite of the great caution displayed by limiting the candidatures running for districts, the PJD had good results wherever it was present); the organization of the 5th Congress where the PJD discussed political issues only and preempt values dear to the Monarchy. In two years time, the party’s references started to change together with its political positioning as it doesn’t refuse anymore to participate to a new government. Nevertheless, by becoming a party like others, the PJD takes the risks of losing its identity, and therefore, losing some electors.

Khadija Mohsen-Finan, holder of a Ph.D. in Political Science, is Research Fellow at Ifri Paris. She teaches at the Institut d'études politiques (IEP) and at the University of Venezia.


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