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Latin America between the United States and the European Union

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses


Still very divided, but benefiting from the progressive return to democratic rules, Latin-American governments are trying to group together to address economic globalisation. The Southern Common Market (Mercosur) seems to be the most promising of these sub-regional groupings, because it intends a customs union and political cooperation inspired by the European model. The European Union has expressed its support and proposed an economic and political partnership. A preferred partner of Latin-American countries, Europe, intends to act as a great power, at least in the economic sense, in the region. On his side, George W. Bush has relaunched the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), but Congress remains divided on the subject, particularly because of Mexico's emergence thanks to NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). And then, the new round of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) launched at Doha could muddy the water. In any case, the rivalry between the United States and the European Union will be every present in the coming years.

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