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Jihad Threat in Central Asia

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses

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The Islamic threat in Central Asia is difficult to define. Most of the currently existing movements are unarmed political groups, but some of them arouse concern. Increasing Jihad threat in the future could be linked to the Afghan and Pakistani situations. It may also be aggravated by internal crackdown on the part of rather antidemocratic states. Developments in the whole area depend on how the situation evolves in Afghanistan and Pakistan.Didier Chaudet is a Research Fellow at the Russia/NIS Center at Ifri. He teaches a course called “Security in Greater Central Asia” at Sciences Po. He notably published, with Florent Parmentier and Benoît Pélopidas, L’Empire au miroir. Stratégies de puissance aux États-Unis et en Russie (Geneva/Paris, Droz, 2007).


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Jihad Threat in Central Asia


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Jihad Threat in Central Asia