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The Issues of Official Development Assistance

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses

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Assistance to donors’strategic national interests, assistance to a policy of growthand redistribution, enforcement of good governance: the Official DevelopmentAssistance (ODA) is a little bit of everything. Having become an important tool ofpublic policy, the ODA must redefine its goals, its practices, the way it identifiesthose who benefit from it, and, more generally, its institutions.Pierre Jacquet, Former Member of the Conseil d’analyse économique (CAE) and Former Director Assistant of Ifri, has been Editor of Politique étrangère (1992-2002). He is now Executive Director (strategy) and Economist in Chief of the Agence française de développement (AFD). President of the 'Sciences humaines, économie, gestion, finance' Department of the Ecole nationale des Ponts-et-Chaussées (ENPC), he teaches Global Political Economy.


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