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Iranian Multipolar Connections: Russian and Asian aspects of Tehran's Foreign Policy

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Iranian authorities intend to benefit from the emergence of a multipolar world in order to escape an imposed isolation. They try to improve their relationship with Moscow, using bilateral cooperation as a diplomatic tool in the hope that it will maintain an independent Russian voice inside UN’s Security Council. Islam appears to be a way to strengthen economical and political links with Malaysia and Indonesia. Exchanges are also growing with India and China, based on common energetic and commercial interests. Eventually, the moderate position of these countries regarding the nuclear issue seems to give some coherence to the Iranian strategy.

Thierry Kellner, PhD in international relations (IUHEI, Geneva), is Associate Fellow at the Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies (BICCS) and teaches at the Free University of Brussels.

Clément Therme, PhD student (EHESS and IUHEI) is Junior Research Fellow at the Middle-East/North Africa Center, Ifri.


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