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Iran at the Time of Reforms

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses

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The modernisation process in the Islamic Republic of Iran is taking a holiday. The reforms undertaken by President Khatami, who was re-elected in 2001, have been impeded by the reallocation of centres of power to the benefit of the 'Supreme Guide', and a new, two-headed regime, suffering from inertia, has de facto come into being. In the midst of economic difficulties (debt and pauperisation) and a social crisis (a break between the state and society), there is a real desire on the part of society to bring about a secular state supported by a new religious exegesis that criticises the present theocratic power, whose authority was derived from a revolution made in the name of popular sovereignty. But even if this third force, which supports a legally constituted state, is recognised in Parliament, it will have no influence on the Iranian political scene unless it receives recognition from the international community, starting with the United States.

Frédéric Tellier holds a PhD in Political Studies. He worked as a Cultural Adviser at the French Embassy in Teheran.


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