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How to Recover the French Influence in Brussels

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses

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Two reasons explain why the French influence in Brussels is on the decline: first, because French elite do not fully understand how the European institutions work; second, because Brussels’ Europe is going through a transformation process which moves it away from the plans and projects made for it in Paris. To recover part of the lost ground, France needs to adapt psychologically, politically and institutionally to this new state of affairs.Pierre-Henri d'Argenson, ancien élève de l’École nationale d’administration (ENA) et titulaire d’un Master de politique européenne (London School of Economics), est conseiller de tribunal administratif et officier de réserve à l’État-Major des Armées. Il enseigne les questions internationales à l’Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique (IGPDE) et à l’Institut d’études politiques (IEP) de Paris.


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How to Recover the French Influence in Brussels


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How to Recover the French Influence in Brussels