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For History: The Security Organization and the New Arms Progresses (1957)

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses

ArchivesResistance fighter and prisoner in a concentral camp, Charles Ailleret (1907-1968) commands, in 1951, special arms of Army. In 1958, General Ailleret is Commandant interservice of special arms. In both cases, he is in charge of the development of the French nuclear arms till their first experimentation in 1960. He is the last Commandant of the French army in Algeria, and becomes in 1962 Chief of Staff of armies. He will organize the French come back of military elements from OTAN and will defend, in a famous text, a French nuclear defense 'tous azimuts'. General Ailleret, who dies in 1968 in a plane crash, is one of the first actors of the French nuclear theory.This text has been published for the first time in Politique étrangère, n° 1/1957.


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For History: The Security Organization and the New Arms Progresses (1957), from Ifri by