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Fury and Amazement: The Lessons of the War Between Israel and the Hezbollah

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses

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The Israeli leaders had declared that global military threat was over, and then focused on military operations aiming only to maintain the public order by means of targeted attacks in the occupied territories. Doing so, they trapped themselves, together with Tsahal, in a powerless strategy in the war triggered in 2006 against Hezbollah. But Israel was neither politically nor morally ready to this confrontation, and even less from a strategic standpoint. This is a lesson that other Western armies should think over…Michel Goya is historian. He is the author of La Chair et l'acier, l'armée française et l'invention de la guerre moderne (1914-1918) (Paris, Tallandier, 2004) and L'Irak, les armées du chaos (Paris, Economica, 2008).


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