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France/NATO: the Last Step

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication

'Will and must France reintegrate (the) NATO ? The change of situation in fifteen years must be taken into account to answer this question – which, besides, needs to be put another way.

Corps analyses

The relationship between France and NATO can be regarded in respect to the heritage of the past, especially since the decisions taken in 1966 and in regard to current problems. Since the 1990s, France has been involved in NATO military operations and getting effectively closer to NATO. Is that enough to make the case for 'normalisation'? Would the latter be able to relaunch the ESDP, which is in a deadlock? What weight could France carry in an Alliance whose content is not clearly defined yet?

Dominique David is the executive director of the Ifri.


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France/NATO: the Last Step


Dominique DAVID

Intitulé du poste

Président du Centre franco-autrichien pour le rapprochement en Europe (CFA), conseiller du président de l’Ifri, rédacteur en chef de Politique étrangère et co-directeur du Ramses

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France/NATO: the Last Step