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France and Europe: The Inevitable Debate

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses

Europe is broken down. An unquestionable economic success, it is nevertheless characterised by its political absence on the international scene –a direct consequence of its architectural shortcomings which prevent its establishment as an operational entity. A multipolar world is no doubt emerging, which is nuancing the impact of its potential influence. To be capable of having a chance of weighing on the world balance, and to cap a historic ambition, the European Union must confront some crucial decisions: supranational versus intergovernmental organisation, enlargement, role of the President… Europe will become greater but more independent of the French position. This perspective is clearly weighing on France’s European orientation.

Philippe Moreau Defarges is a Research Fellow at Ifri (Europe, global governance, international relations).

This content is published in French - La France et l'Europe : l'inévitable débat



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