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Cohabitation, Europe: How is the Foreign Policy Being Made?

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses

Hubert Védrine was the French ministry of Foreign Affairs between 1997 and 2002.
(This article is published in French only. Original title: 'Cohabitation, Europe: comment se fabrique la politique étrangère?')


What effects did cohabitation have on the definition and coherence of France’s foreign policy between 1997 and 2002? Did foreign policy have as much international influence, and is it necessary, following this experience, to reform our institutions? How can a foreign policy be crafted to conform with the ambition of a European foreign policy, and, finally, how does the former French minister of Foreign Affairs evaluate his performance in this period? These were the questions, with respect to his former functions, that Politique Etrangère put to Hubert Védrine, which he was happy to answer.


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