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The Chinese Energy Diplomacy

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses

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The People’s Republic of China growing appetite for energy is the product of the country’s 25-year-long economic boom (characterized by external trade expansion, rising incomes, population growth and increasing urbanization). The country possesses huge reservesof coal, oil and gas, but is increasingly dependent on imports of energy (particularly oil). In order to secure its exclusive access to energy resources, Beijing does not shy away from conflict with neighboring countries and close cooperation with pariah States rich in resources. Before this background, it is necessary to integrate China more closely into the international energy cooperation, particularly into the structures of the International Energy Agency (IEA).Heinrich Kreft is an Analyst in the Center of analysis and forecast of the German ministry of the Foreign Affairs. Diplomat since 1985, it was in station in Tokyo of 1991 in 1994 and Washington, of 2001 to 2004.


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