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The Chinese Century, from the Boxers' Revolt to the Great Leap Toward Global Integration

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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Corps analyses

1900 and 2000 : two key dates in China’s history. 1900 is the year of the Boxers Rebellion and the western repression that followed. 2000 on the contrary sees the Popular republic knocking at the door of the WTO and adopting a series of economic, legal and cultural reforms which often find their inspiration in the West. But in many aspects, modern China has preserved the mark of that of the empress Cixi : Chinese nationalism is still alive in its relations with Asia ; and both elites and population still strive to reconcile the temptation of modernity and the fear of interdependence as a result of globalization. But the future of China might lie elsewhere : by participating in the creation of regional groups like Europe or Latin America, rather than in entering a race for superpower with United States which already seems to be lost.

This content is published in French - 100 ans de Chine : de la révolte des Boxers au grand pas en avant vers l'intégration globale


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