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China 1998-2000: The Latest Series of Reforms is in Limbo

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication
Corps analyses


When he became Prime minister in the Spring of 1998, Zhu Ronjgi announced his reforming intentions: a reform of states entreprises, privatisation of state housing, legimisation and enlargment of the private sector, an intention to join the World Trade Organisation, a halving of the civil service, fight against corruption, creation of a system of unemployment insurance and pensions etc. Two-and-half years later, in a favorable global climate, a number of these reforms have made significant progress even if others remain thwarted by the meandering of the political organisation and Chinese bureaucracy. The future of these reforms will depend, in any case, on the political longevity of those who rule over the destiny of the Celestial Empire.

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China 1998-2000: The Latest Series of Reforms is in Limbo, from Ifri by