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Barcelona Between Result and Revival

Articles from Politique Etrangère
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The tenth anniversary of the Barcelona Process allows for a critical assessment of the results achieved so far. Economic cooperation has been rather satisfactory, but the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership has been less successful in promoting democratization and regional security. The political aspects of the Barcelona Process have gained recent attention in a context of renewed American activism in the region. The Europeans are now ready to propose closer association to their Southern partners, within the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy. Miguel Angel Moratinos, who was among the founding fathers of the Partnership, explains why the Barcelona II Summit taking place in November should give new impetus to the whole process.

Miguel Angel Moratinos, who was the Spanish Ambassador to Israel in 1996 and the European Union’s Special Envoy for the Peace Process in the Middle East until 2003, is, since April 2004, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and of the Cooperation involved in the government of José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.


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