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The Africain Strategy of China

Articles from Politique Etrangère
Date de publication

Valérie Niquet

Corps analyses

Beijing is back in Africa after a few years of neglect. But now, the main incentive is not Taiwan anymore but a broader strategic game, economic interest and access to energy. In Africa, China offers its own model, based on cheap labor and products, stress on nonconditionality and non-interference and a huge market for African oil and raw materials. But this system does not go without critics from some African countries who put more stress on governance and harmonious integration into the global world order.

Valérie Niquet, Director of the Centre Asie Ifri, is a Professor in the College interarmées de défense (CID-École militaire) where she ensures the course of geopolitics of China.

This content is published in French : La stratégie africaine de la Chine



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