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Intitulé du poste

Former Associate Research Fellow, Former Head of Ifri's Center for Geopolitics of Technology, Ifri

Domaine d'expertises En

Research Interests:

  • Geopolitical dimension of new technologies
  • European tech sovereignty & strategies (e.g. quantum, cloud, AI, semiconductors)
  • Industrial, research and innovation policies
  • France and EU's technology partnerships
Biographie En

Alice Pannier was the head of Ifri's Center for Geopolitics of Technology, launched in October 2020. Before that, she was an associate research fellow. Her research focuses on the geopolitical dimension of new technology, European technology policies, and transatlantic relations. She has also worked for a long time on European security and the foreign and defense policies of European countries, especially France and the United Kingdom.

Prior to joining Ifri, she was Assistant Professor in International Relations and European Studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University in Washington (2017-2020). Previously, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of strategic research (IRSEM) at the French ministry of armed forces. She is a graduate of King’s College London and Panthéon-Sorbonne University and holds a doctorate in political science from IEP Paris, co-supervised with King’s College.

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Ramses Conference
Analysis from Alice PANNIER
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French Defence Policy Since the End of the Cold War

Date de publication
28 December 2020

With a look at evolutions over the past three decades, the thematic chapters cover French defense institutions and civil-military relations, the transformation of armed forces, nuclear deterrence, the defense industry, military interventions, and alliances.

Image de couverture de la publication

Rivals in Arms: The Rise of UK-France Defence Relations in the Twenty-First Century

Date de publication
30 October 2020

The untold story of the thriving yet complicated defense relationship of two countries caught between strategic decline and global ambitions. As the UK leaves the European Union and as the multilateral international order is increasingly under stress, bilateral security links are more important than ever. Among such relationships, the UK-France partnership has become particularly critical in the past decades.

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Complementarity or Competition? Franco-British Cooperation and the European Horizon of French Defense Policy

Date de publication
23 April 2021

What does future hold for the Franco-British defense partnership after Brexit?

“Minilateralism”: A New Form of Defense Cooperation

Date de publication
03 March 2015

Multilateralism has played a significant role in international cooperation.

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