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En savoir plus sur nos programmes de soutienWith Dr Gordon de Brouwer, Secretary of the Australian Department of the Environment
In December 2015, Paris will be hosting the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21). The ambitions are high: laying down the key principles of a binding global agreement to be implemented by 2020.
In the run up to this major milestone, CDC Climat Research and the Ifri Center for Energy are jointly organising « Climate Breakfast Roundtables » bringing together key stakeholders with the aim of sharing analyses on the climate policies adopted at local, national and regional levels and on the potential outcomes of the Paris Climate Conference.
For this first « Climate Breakfast Roundtable » on Tuesday 28 October, CDC Climat Research and Ifri are pleased to welcome Dr Gordon de Brouwer, Secretary of the Australian Department of the Environment, who will provide an overview of Australia’s domestic climate policy. His statement will be followed by a debate with the audience.
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