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Political Systems


At the end of the Cold War, the idea spread that liberal democracy was going to take over the world. In reality, authoritarian regimes have resisted, and political systems remain varied.

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Oil rent and Corruption : the case of Nigeria

Date de publication
30 November 2018

This study analyses the various mechanisms that explain the leakage of the main source wealth in Nigeria at all levels of the production and commercialization of oil and gas, from the wellheads, with the bunkering of pipelines, up to the export of crude oil and the import of refined products, including through capital flight to tax havens. 

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Merkel and Macron betray weakness with cautious Aachen treaty

21 January 2019

When Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron sign a new Franco-German treaty in the historic city of Aachen on Tuesday, there will be much soaring rhetoric about the deepening ties between the two countries. To critics, though, the Treaty of Aachen is thin gruel. Anyone hoping for a new, tighter alliance between France and Germany, and for signs that the two countries might once again drive European integration, will be disappointed. 


Macron Seeks a Dose of Charlemagne to Renew Merkel Partnership

20 January 2019

When France and Germany sign a treaty on Tuesday in the historic border town of Aachen, it will be the culmination of 16 months of work by French President Emmanuel Macron to bring the anchors of Europe closer.

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Malawi: The Road to the 2019 Tripartite Elections. Reflections on Corruption, Land and Multiparty Politics

Date de publication
22 January 2019

On May 21st 2019, Malawi will hold its tripartite elections, where voters will vote for the President, Members of Parliament and local Councillors. 2019 will also mark the 25 years of multiparty politics in Malawi since the one-party regime presided by Hastings Kamuzu Banda came to an end in 1994.

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What Is a Good Security Sector Reform?

Date de publication
20 December 2017

For about 20 years, security sector reform (SSR) has emerged as an essential tool for crisis recovery and reconstructing weak and failed states at the heart of the security-development continuum. It is time to take stock of the lessons learnt about SSR and to offer an analysis of good practices and the lessons learned from these experiences. 

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Political Values in Europe-China Relations

Date de publication
06 December 2018

What role do political values play in Europe-China relations 70 years after the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

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What Next for Afghanistan?

Date de publication
03 December 2018

In a context defined by the failure of military interventions, multiple attacks, and criticized parliamentary elections, uncertainty reigns over the country.

Migration Flows and Policies: India at a Turning Point

Date de publication
01 October 2014

India hosts millions of economic migrants from neighboring countries, especially Nepal and Bangladesh. It is also a haven for large refugee communities from Tibet or Sri Lanka. In the past years, India’s dynamic economic growth has brought in new types of migrants: young European graduates, entrepreneurs and highly skilled Indian migrants returning home.

Emerging Markets and Migration Policy: China

Date de publication
01 July 2014

China’s development has given rise to massive flows of both domestic migration and international emigration.

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Immigration: Europe in the Face of an Italian Crisis

Date de publication
20 July 2018

Since the Italian election held on March 4th, 2018, immigration policy has become a hotter-than-ever issue both at national and European level. The Aquarius incident has brought to light the question of European solidarity regarding immigration issues.

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference
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Ramses Conference