740 publications
RAMSES 2012. Les États submergés ?
RAMSES (Le Rapport annuel mondial sur le système économique et les stratégies), is a yearly publication that provides in-depth reviews and prospective analysis on current events, providing readers with indispensable insights and perspectives for understanding contemporary geopolitics on the global scale.
East Asian Regional Economic Integration: A Post-Crisis Update
To the surprise of many analysts, the outbreak of the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2008 did not leave East Asian economies unscathed. The objective of the paper is to examine the implications of the GFC for the regional economic integration process in East Asia, taking into account both the de facto and the de jure dimensions.
Space Weather and NEOs in the European Space Policy
Although often overshadowed by a focus on security concerns, Space weather and NEOs are important elements of Europe’s SSA program.
The Caucasus: a Hotbed of Terrorism in Metamorphosis
Since summer 2009, instability in the eastern part of the North Caucasus has escalated, a security threat against which the Russian leadership cannot find a strategy. Despite a maximum-intensity counterinsurgency campaign, the rebels have been able to expand their support base, staging terrorist attacks in Moscow.
The Use of Space for Maritime Security in Europe
The EU is currently developing a Maritime Security Strategy. Space should be integrated in that effort, given its potential for maritime surveillance.
La guerre des hélicoptères : L'avenir de l'aéromobilité et de l'aérocombat
Military helicopters have evolved into technologically sophisticated weapon systems. Originally designed to counter Soviet armor, attack helicopters now have to cope with a wide spectrum of threats, some of them bringing choppers back to their counterinsurgency roots.
Franco-Turkish visions of a Republic. Interview with Baskin ORAN
For a long time, the Turkish Republic created by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was regarded by France's elites and political class as a sister republic: secular and Jacobin, the concrete embodiment of the universalism of the shared values of the French Revolution. However, the political change that has occurred since the AKP has come to office has questioned these classical republican convictions.
The Development of Public-Private Partnerships in the European Satcom Sector
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) could help to enhance the societal benefits of communication satellites. However, European public entities must avoid the mistakes made during the Galileo concession negotiations.