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Gas in Mozambique: a High-risk Economic Revolution

Date de publication
02 June 2014

Since oil was discovered in Uganda in 2006, East Africa has been an arena for a race in the exploration for hydro-carbons. Yet the oil reserves in Uganda, the more recent and modest ones in Kenya and the few pockets of gas in Ethiopia are on a completely different scale from the enormous gas resources discovered since 2010 in the off-shore waters of Mozambique and Tanzania.

The European Energy Policy: Building New Perspectives

Date de publication
30 April 2014

“After 17 years of supranationality, we are still seeking how to define a common energy policy and what it might be. [...] Could we have done more in one generation? Or were goals only established to achieve a political balance which it was explicitly agreed to ignore, once the machinery began to operate? Historians will have a hard task to distinguish between excessive ambitions and national hypocrisies”.

Germany: The Past that Does not Pass

Date de publication
20 March 2014

Germany’s responsibility in the two global conflicts reflects, among other things, the German military’s desire to free itself from political control and the depth to which the Wehrmacht was immersed into Nazi ideology and a Nazi state whose orders it never really contested.

Turkey: the Sèvres Syndrome, or the Interminable War

Date de publication
20 March 2014

For the Turks, the Treaty of Sèvres symbolizes the liquidation of the Empire and the carving up of Turkey by outside forces.

Rosneft, Gazprom and the Government: the Decision-making Triangle on Russia's Energy Policy

Date de publication
03 March 2014

Russia finds itself exposed to many risks in the fast-moving global revolution in energy affairs, and cannot avail of its opportunities despite its unique combination of natural resources and experience in their exploitation. It has entered the phase of economic stagnation, and the under-performance of the energy sector is one of the key determinants of the durability of this trend.

The Mining Boom in the Sahel Region: Will the Development Last?

Date de publication
24 February 2014

The Sahel, often discussed on account of its problems and crises – in particular recently, in view of the crisis in Mali – is in actual fact experiencing a new positive economic era, like the rest of the African continent. For the five countries of the Sahel region we shall be examining – Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger – this favourable evolution, although it varies from country to country, is based on booming extractive industries.

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