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US-China Relations: A Structural Clash

Date de publication
27 September 2019

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, if not from the birth of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) itself, relations with United States have proven to be a central factor in China’s strategic calculus and a major driver of Chinese foreign policy. Indeed, America’s ability to weigh on all spheres of China’s national security – from domestic to regional and global – poses fundamental challenges for Beijing.

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Waste Management and Electricity Generation in Africa: Developing Waste-to-Energy to the Benefit of Sustainable Cities?

Date de publication
18 September 2019

With the expansion of modern production and consumption patterns to large African cities, population growth and urbanization, production of municipal waste has risen sharply. Unregulated dumps are becoming numerous and have strong negative health effects by polluting the local environment. 

Sahel: The Basis of a Disaster

Date de publication
13 September 2019

With sluggish economies that create few jobs, soaring demographics, international aid often considered as revenue, and a security apparatus unable to protect national territory and its population, are the Sahel states losing control of their own domestic areas?

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China’s Quest for Gas Supply Security: The Global Implications

Date de publication
10 September 2019

The major transformations that are occurring on the Chinese gas market have profound repercussions on the global gas and LNG markets, especially on trade, investment and prices. In just two years, China has become the world’s first gas importer and is on track to become the largest importer of Liquefied natural gas (LNG).

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China’s Quest for Blue Skies: The Astonishing Transformation of the Domestic Gas Market

Date de publication
10 September 2019

China’s gas industry has been moving into a new era. China’s natural gas demand has skyrocketed amid a state campaign that encourages coal-to-gas switching. In just two years, China added 75 billion cubic meters (bcm) to global gas demand, the equivalent of the UK gas market, the second largest European market. Despite steadily rising, Chinese gas production has not been able to cope with such a huge increase in demand and gas imports have also surged.

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RAMSES 2020. A World without a Compass?

Date de publication
27 August 2019

RAMSES 2020. A World without a Compass?, written by Ifri's research team and external experts, offers an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of geopolitics in today’s world.

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International trade - Rekindling interest in a multilateral rules-based approach

Date de publication
23 August 2019

International trade is one of the themes that used to constitute the very raison d’être of the G7, alongside international security and energy policy. 

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Russian Nuclear Modernization and Putin’s Wonder-Missiles: Real Issues and False Posturing

Date de publication
01 August 2019

The near imminent breakdown of the INF Treaty (1987) has strongly intensified political and public concerns about the failure of traditional arms control and the escalation of a new nuclear arms race.

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