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High Stakes in the High North: Russian-Norwegian Relations and their Implications for the EU

Date de publication
17 December 2007

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Norway embarked on a policy to overcome old dividing lines in the High North and encourage closer cooperation with Russia, its large neighbor to the east. In addition to being neighbors in the High North - an area that still plays an important part in Russian strategic designs - both countries are important global energy players and share interests in developing energy resources in the area. However, their energy cooperation is influenced by many historical and geopolitical factors and concerns, and their bilateral relationship is strongly influenced by a visible disparity of their respective potentials and by their historically determined perceptions of each other. To what extent their cooperation in the energy sphere will be influenced by these perceptions, and to what extent their energy related interests overlap or collide are a few of the questions addressed in this brief analysis of the developing Russian-Norwegian energy relationship, particularly in light of Gazprom's decision to invite StatoilHydro to join the Shtokman gas field project.

The 17th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party: shedding light on how the system works

Date de publication
12 December 2007

The 17th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party: shedding light on how the system works

Transparency Measures in Space?

Date de publication
19 November 2007

L'interarmées aux États-Unis - rivalités bureaucratiques, enjeux opérationnels et idéologie de la jointness

Date de publication
19 November 2007

Thème lancé pendant les années 1980 et constamment repris depuis, érigé en obligation impérieuse et presque en dogme pendant l'ère Rumsfeld, l'interarmisation ou jointness s'inscrit en réalité dans un débat ancien et même récurrent qui, par-delà MacNamara, remonte aux débuts de la guerre froide et même en-deçà.

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