3216 publications
RAMSES 2009 - Questions stratégiques - sous la direction d'Etienne de Durand
RAMSES 2009 - Amériques - sous la direction de Philippe Moreau Defarges
Angolan Elections, September 2008: Interview with Indira Campos
Comparing Aid public policies in France and Germany
European Aid Ministers qualified 2008 as 'crucial for the development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDO)'. So, the French presidency of the EU council devotes a part of its activities to Aid cooperation, mostly based on initiatives launched by Germany in 2007. In this article, both authors firstly compare Aid systems and their natures, and then explain why French and German approaches are often similar. Drawing up a panorama of these aid policies, also with common policies and projects, the authors would like to present common challenges that France and Germany are facing. Thus, they are looking for new leads to develop French-German cooperation in the field of Development.