3216 publications
Feeding the World Population Is Possible, Under Certain Conditions...
'The planet will be inhabited by more than 9 billion people in 2050, hence a crucial question: will the global agricultures be able to feed a growing population?'
The Algerian Diplomacy in Search of Its Golden Age
'Most Algerians make an uncompromising assessment of their country's track record over the past 20 years, and the absence of Algerian diplomacy remains a burning and recurrent issue'.
Mutations of Algerian Terrorism
'Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb is an Algerian reality. Its Maghrebine, or even Maghrebine-Sahelian dimension, that appears obvious in the Western security line, is actually questionable'.
1929-1990-2008: Lessons from Past Crises
'When it comes to international coordination, lessons that have been learnt from past crises are minimal, and there is still much to do'.