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Afghanistan after 2014: The Way Forward for Russia

Date de publication
14 May 2013

It may appear that Russia is equally dissatisfied with both Western security’s presence in and its departure from Afghanistan planned for 2014, but whether the Western withdrawal is seen as more of a gain a loss depends on how Moscow itself assesses and balances its own security concerns in the region: instability, extremism and narcotics. 

Offshore Gas in East Mediterranean: From Myth to Reality

Date de publication
14 May 2013

The wave of deep offshore and unconventional gas and oil exploration projects, rendered economically feasible by relatively high prices and new technologies, has reached the shores of the Mediterranean. Levantine countries, including Cyprus, Israel, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Syria, have new offshore gas potentials.


The Primacy of Alliance: Deterrence and European Security

Date de publication
29 April 2013

Since the end of the Cold War, the international security environment has been transformed and nuclear weapons have been marginalized in the West. However, the NATO security policies remain almost unchanged: deterrence is still considered as a principle guiding the Atlantic Alliance, even though the actual policy statements lack target, direction and urgency.

A Class Defined "by Consumption": The Grocery-Shopping Practices of the Lower-Middle Classes in Johannesburg, South Africa

Date de publication
25 April 2013

The black middle class in Johannesburg is a much debated but ill-defined phenomenon, treated more often by economic players than by social scientists. Far from static and clear, the concept of the middle class is for us relevant insofar as it reveals crucial dynamics of the society. 

China's Growing Natural Gas Insecurity and the Potential of Chinese Shale Gas

Date de publication
22 April 2013

China is poised for a dramatic increase in its demand for natural gas. As total energy demand has risen to record levels in the last five years, China has found itself in an increasingly difficult bind: the social and environmental burden from coal is becoming too heavy to bear and a growing dependence on foreign oil is becoming strategically more risky with the passage of time. 

The Conundrum of the Southern Gas Corridor: What are the Risks for Europe and Azerbaijan? The viewpoint of an insider

Date de publication
17 April 2013

For more than ten years, harsh negotiations among different oil majors and pipeline consortia have been taking place about the Southern Gas Corridor, all of them seeking to transit 10 bcm/year of natural gas that will be produced from the Shah Deniz giant gas field of Azerbaijan to the European Union. As of today, no Final Investment Decision (FID) has been reached neither for the preferred pipeline route to Europe, nor for the production of the second phase of Shah Deniz.

États-Unis : Le rôle de l'État dans le soutien à l'innovation

Date de publication
09 April 2013

Even though the private sector brings more funding to innovation programs, the role government plays by hosting and/or funding research projects remains key. Only the public sector can pursue the long term projects with no foreseeable profitability that will enable the next industrial revolution.

Les républicains et la politique étrangère américaine: quelles perspectives pour 2016 ?

Date de publication
05 April 2013

The future candidates for the 2016 Republican presidential primary will be expected to develop a clear foreign policy agenda and prove the GOP’s credibility on foreign affairs issue.

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