3216 publications
Citizens’ Self-Defense Groups in Mexico: Rightful Defenders, Incontrollable Groups or Whistle-Blowers?
The rise of civilian self-defense groups in various states across Mexico since 2011 bear witness to the powerlessness and corruption of state bodies confronted with the pervasiveness of organized crime.
Narendra Modi’s India
The Indian People’s Party (BJP) coming to power in the 2014 legislative elections raises many questions about the country’s governance.
The Virtual Weapon: Dilemmas and Future Scenarios
Cyber technology challenges conventional mechanisms of deterrence and conflict management.
Terminator Ethics: Should We Ban “Killer Robots”?
Automatic lethal weapon systems are under debate and certain non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are demanding their precautionary prohibition.
Judicialization of the Battleground
The increasing judicialization of external military action is encouraging military law to fall into line with common law.
The Netherlands and the Multicultural Crisis
For several decades, there has been general consensus bridging the Dutch political class regarding the notion of a multicultural society. This consensus is now being challenged.
Internet Governance after Snowden
The Snowden affair could bring about major changes in the structure of the Internet and its governance. Technologies should now a priori integrate standards which give citizens the capacity to keep a check on what data is available.