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Le rôle de l'Inde de Modi dans la politique américaine en Asie

Date de publication
23 January 2015

As President Obama makes an official visit to India, Martin Quencez, expert from the GMF Paris office reflects on the current administration's policy toward Asia and notably the "pivot to Asia". The celebrated Indo-American relationship does not appear to have held much promise until now. Could it grow significantly during Narenda Modi's presidency to constitute a key element of the American presence in the region?

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Hillary Clinton et la presse : vers une réconciliation ?

Date de publication
21 January 2015

Since her departure from the State Department in 2013, Hillary Rhodam Clinton continues to fascinate the press which scrutinizes her slightest actions, looking forward to an announcement of her candidacy for the 2016 presidential elections. For years nevertheless, the former First Lady kept her distances with the journalists. This notorious mistrust could turn out problematic if she confirms her candidacy.

European Energy Security Challenges and Global Energy Trends: Old Wine in New Bottles?

Date de publication
19 January 2015

Paper produced within the framework of the IAI-OCP Policy Center partnership and presented at the international seminar "Morocco's Role in Fostering Euro-Mediterranean Energy Cooperation" organised in Rabat on 26 September 2014.

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Conventionalizing Deterrence? U.S. Prompt Strike Programs and Their Limits

Date de publication
14 January 2015

About a decade ago, the U.S. started to examine options to develop and acquire Conventional Prompt Global Strike capabilities. This move fits in an effort to conventionalize deterrence, an effort initiated decades before and undertaken for profound and diverse motives. Although it has been renewed under the Obama administration, which aims to reduce the U.S. reliance on nuclear weapons, this ambition has resulted in very little concrete progress.

How can Batteries support the EU Electricity Network?

Date de publication
08 January 2015

Policy Report,  Publication Insight_E

Lead Author: Bo Normark (KIC InnoEnergy), co-author: Aurélie Faure-Schuyer (Ifri),
Reviewers: Paul Deane (UCL) and Steve Pye (UCL)


Frontiers New and Old: Russia’s Policy in Central Asia

Date de publication
06 January 2015

For much of the post-Soviet period, Central Asia has been a backwater of Russian foreign policy. But things are changing. Circumstances in and beyond the region are driving a more committed approach in Moscow. 

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