3244 publications
Securing Energy and Mineral Resources for China: Debating the role of markets
This paper examines how China seeks to secure access to an ever growing level of natural resources from overseas. In its quest for resources necessary to fuel its economy, does China seek to bolster the development of international markets, or rather to procure resources in a more mercantilist fashion?
Le piège de la guerre hybride
Since its inception in the mid-2000s, hybrid warfare has become a fashionable concept among Western strategic community. However, it lacks a clear definition and, if loosely used, could lead to possibly dangerous misunderstandings.
U.S. Engagement Towards Central Asia: No Great Game After All?
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, Washington has defined general foreign policy objectives towards the Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
Are private companies agents in the implementation of French immigration policies?
Migration policies and rules applying to the recruitment of foreign workers impact HR and recruitment processes of French private companies. Administrative procedures are both complex and time consuming for they might require extra actions from those employees in charge of the recruitment process. The difficult access to clear information coupled with the impossibility to anticipate the outcome of recruitment procedures hinders economic objectives of firms and impacts their competitiveness.
Burundi: Unravelling the Peace
Since achieving independence in 1962, Burundi has experienced several episodes of civil war, the last of which came to end when the Arusha Accord was signed in 2000. The gradual return to peace in the wake of the Arusha Accord has been jeopardised by Pierre Nkurunziza’s announcement on 25th April 2015 that he would stand as a candidate for the presidency.
Defending Europe? A stocktaking of French and German Visions for European Defense
The aim of this study consists of taking stock of strategic thinking in France and Germany. More concretely, it intends to identify compatible and incompatible aspects, as well as the potential for compromise, in these national considerations on the future of CSDP and NATO. In so doing, it concentrates on five issues: strategic visions, threat perception and military doctrine; the institutional framework for European defense; military interventions; capabilities as well as the industrial dimension.
Guerre de l'information : le web russe dans le conflit en Ukraine
Since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, Russia has been waging an information war.
Guerre de l'information : le web russe dans le conflit en Ukraine
Since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, Russia has been waging an information war that reflects its perception of its relationship towards the West as being that of a state of permanent conflict which needs the use of alternative tools to weaken both the enemy’s will and the capabilities.