3216 publications
Space Collaboration between India and France: Towards a New Era
In the sphere of space research, France-India collaboration began in the early 1960s, with France providing assistance to India’s Rohini sounding rockets programme. Over the years, France has played a constructive role in helping India to develop its ground and space infrastructure, as well as its launching platforms and human resources. In point of fact, France has emerged as one of India’s most dependable partner in the realm of space.
The Political and Commercial Dynamics of Russia's Gas Export Strategy
A wide-ranging look at the way Gazprom interacts with an increasingly challenging global gas market for Russia.
Migratory Flows in the Mediterranean
The current crisis in the Mediterranean is a part of an unprecedented global migratory movement.
Accommodating Refugees: The Other European Crisis
The European Union (EU) has been trying to establish a common European asylum system for fifteen years. This project has been stalled by disagreements between states, each looking out for its own national interests.
TISA, TTIP: How Trading is Done on Europe’s Behalf
The way in which bargaining mandates are granted to the Commission for the purpose of leading the European Union’s commercial negotiations make it a unique negotiator.
The “One Belt, One Road” – Strategic Implications of a Chinese Infrastructure Network in Eurasia
China’s “One Belt, One Road” project, also known as the “New Silk Road”, aims to create a vast infrastructure network connecting three continents, with China playing the central role.
Somalia, the Modern Sisyphus?
Since gaining independence in 1960, Somalia has enjoyed only a few periods of stability.
Regionalizing Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea: A Short-term Solution
Piracy and armed robbery at sea are a threat to security in the hydrocarbon-rich Gulf of Guinea.