3216 publications
Tailored Assurance: Balancing Deterrence and Disarmament in Responding to NATO-Russia Tension
The 2018 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) called for tailoring assurance across America’s allies, including NATO, as part of an overall deterrence and assurance strategy.
In Helsinki, Putin Can Grant Trump Great Success, of Sorts
The July 16, 2018, face-to-face between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin is both entirely natural and extremely unconventional, very encouraging and deeply disturbing.
Conceptualizing the middle class in a developmental state: Narratives and expectations in Ethiopia
The category ‘middle class’ was used increasingly throughout the 2010s to identify social changes occurring in African countries, including Ethiopia. However, the category itself is hard to define and has been employed to describe very diverse socio-economic dynamics.
The 2016 Failed Coup in Turkey: What Is the Impact on Turkish-African Relations?
The July 2016 failed coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s government not only resulted in a dramatic upheaval in Turkey, it also had a significant impact on the structure of its international relations and its networks of influence abroad.
Opérations de déception. Repenser la ruse au XXIe siècle
Deception operations, which refer to manoeuver, economy of armed forces and surprise, need to be reintegrated at the center of strategy to respond efficiently to modern threats.
The Three Dimensions of Europe's Defense Debate
In light of transatlantic tensions and a deteriorated security environment, European security affairs are at the crossroads.
Navigating the Storm: ‘OPEC+’ Producers Facing Lower Oil Prices
On 22 June 2018, “OPEC+” oil Ministers (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries members and an ad hoc alliance with several non-OPEC producers, notably with Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan) will gather in Vienna to discuss the status and future of their production limitation agreement which was initiated in November 2016 and runs until the end of December 2018.
Chutzpah and Realism: Vladimir Putin and the Making of Russian Foreign Policy
In the course of his presidency, Vladimir Putin has presided over a remarkable expansion of Russian foreign policy.